Friday 8 April 2016

Wallace's flying frog

Wallace's flying frog also known as Abah River flying frog is found from the Malay Peninsula (Western Indonesia). Named after biologist Alfred R.Wallace, these frogs live exclusively on trees and fly from one tree to another. When these frogs are threatened, they leap from a branch and splay their four-webbed feet. These frogs also have over sized toe pads that help them land softly and stick to trunks of trees.

These frogs are also known as parachute frogs. Though they are not the only flying frogs, they are among the largest and the black color of their foot webbing helps to distinguish them from others. These frogs are bright green with yellow sides and grow about 4 inches. Insects are their main food.  These frogs enjoy a special status in certain localities. Here are some photographs of these beautiful creatures.

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